LP & CD design for Gord Downie And The Country Of Miracles: The Grand Bounce.
Original painting "Mohr" by Gord Downie. Photographs by Gordon Hawkins.
Typeface is The Richler Font. Used by permission of the Richler Family.
The idea behind this package was a marriage of Gordon Hawkins photos blended with Downie's landscape painting. A world through Downie's eyes basically. The two Gords spent a day walking around Toronto and photographing in various desolate locations. While clicking through the 2000 or so photos submitted, I found it worked like stop motion animation, so with A&R's blessing it was submitted to a video producer, fleshed out, and turned into "The East Wind" video as well. The CD booklet was formatted like a little poetry book, rather than a square CD booklet.
Gord was a national treasure, one of a kind and inspiring to work with.
LP & CD designs.